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Your newborn develops so much in the first three months of life and can be expected to reach a number of important milestones. Time flies by in a whirlwind of feeds, nappy changes and sleepless nights. Suddenly it’s hard to remember just how tiny that precious bundle once was!

Life changes when you become a parent. Everyone tells you this but nobody can prepare you for the chaotic reality. It can be wonderful, exhausting, exciting and demanding. Caring for a newborn is not without its challenges but by three months, you can expect a reward: that precious first smile!

After weeks of interaction and hard work, suddenly and unexpectedly, your baby’s face will light up, melting your heart. This milestone is soon followed by giggles and chuckles in response to playtime and familiar objects and faces. There’s been suggestion that a baby laughs approximately 300 times a day. If only we could all be that happy!

So what other milestones can you expect your baby to reach in the first three months of life?

Motor Development
  • Lifts and holds up their head when placed on their tummy.
  • Pushes up with their arms during tummy time.
  • Puts their hands to their mouth.
  • Moves their legs and arms off the ground when excited.
  • Makes eye contact with caregivers.
  • Shows interest in faces.
  • Cries differently for different needs.
  • Coos and smiles.
  • Turns head towards sound.
Sensory Development
  • Visually tracks a moving toy from side to side.
  • Can watch faces or toys when lying down.
  • Attempts to reach for a toy held above them.
  • Can be calmed through rocking, touch, gentle sound etc.
  • Enjoys a variety of movements such as bouncing, rocking etc.
  • Can track movement with their eyes.

If you have just had a baby or are due one soon, why not try one of our SensoNana sessions? Starting Monday 16th May 2016, you can chat to fellow parents, meet a series of experts and learn how to stimulate and support your baby’s development.


*If you are worried that your baby is not reaching these milestones, it is advisable to discuss it with your paediatrician.

Source: https://pathways.org/growth-development/0-3-months/