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This is a guest post provided by Jessica Bateman, a member of the SensoBaby community.


Post Natal Pilates is a great way to regain your core strength, flexibility and tone your body after childbirth. Did you think you would simply bounce back into those skinny jeans and you haven’t? Well firstly don’t worry as that’s completely normal but Post Natal Pilates is a fantastic way for you to get back in tune with your body. Pilates uses precise movements, breathing and core training to create a strong working physique.


jessica bateman pilatesWho am I?

My name is Jessica Bateman, and I’m a fully qualified Tri-focus and Stott Pilates instructor on both mat and equipment. I have been teaching classes and individuals for the past twelve years. I’m passionate about helping people reach their fitness goals and to exercise pain free. And I believe that everyone can exercise – no matter their age or fitness level.


Why should you do Pilates after Pregnancy?

Postural Changes

During pregnancy your body’s posture changes to accommodate an ever-growing bump and that added weight. Your shoulders round as your breasts grow, and your lower back curves more as your pelvis tips forward. This is why you might have had backache through pregnancy.

So Post- Natal Pilates will concentrate on helping you bring your body back into its correct alignment whilst gaining strength to maintain those postural changes.


Diastasis Recti

When I was pregnant I jokingly said “my disaster muscles are separating.” That’s not strictly the name; Diastasis Recti is the separation of muscles along the middle of your tummy. It’s totally normal to have a small separation after pregnancy. Note that anything more than two fingers wide requires special care as you return to exercise. But if you have any worries about this, chat to a Physio or your Doctor.

Although exercise is good for you, most people think the solution to Diastasis Recti is endless tummy crunches. Sorry but that’s wrong, though some exercises are really good for your Diastasis Recti. A fully qualified Pilates instructor will know which exercises are most suitable for you.


Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor is pretty much the buzzword around the fitness industry – and for good reason. These little guys can cause havoc for women and men. After pregnancy women often complain that they don’t have the same bladder control as before. This is because their pelvic floor muscles have weakened. Here are some exercises for you to do at home.

If you have a good Pilates instructor, they will be able to help you identify your pelvic floor muscles and how to correctly engage them. If your teacher looks at you blankly, find a new one fast.


Take it slow

Sadly the media has given us a false reality of the weeks and months that follow childbirth. It took you 9 months of hard work to make that miracle, so give your body the time it needs to get back into those skinny jeans. Take it slow. You will be strong again.


So ladies, I hope this post has given you a sense on what Post Natal Pilates is and why it’s important. There’s now Post Natal Pilates at SensoBaby with me on a Friday morning, I would love you to join us. The class is limited to 5 women so that I can give everyone focused attention, so if you’re interested in signing up get in touch with the SensoBaby team today.

There are also some great Pilates teachers at Physio Fanatics and the Pilates Place.