How SensoBaby class can give your child a head start.
If you haven’t been to a SensoBaby class before, you may wonder what it’s all about. We like to think of our business as ‘building brains’. We want to support you to give your child solid foundations which will lead to a head start in life.

It was once thought that our babies are born as a ‘blank slate’; a vessel to fill up with knowledge, skills and information.
In actual fact, the infant brain is remarkable and complex. Our children are born with temperaments, personality and the ability to predict and respond to their environment. Their brain still has a lot of growing to do though. Experiences and environment will shape who they become.
A baby’s brain makes over 1 million neural connections per second. This information comes from their sensory experiences and the relationships they have with significant people in their lives.
Check out Centre for the Developing Child at Harvard for more information and useful videos.

All this means that the more positive interactions and quality experiences a baby or toddler has in the first years of life, the stronger their neural networks and connections are. The key word here is quality. More doesn’t mean better. Just because something says it is good for development, doesn’t mean it is. Infants can become easily overwhelmed and when that happens, their capacity for storing new information and making quality connections is impaired.
Our Classes
At SensoBaby you can rest assured that classes and services are designed and delivered by professionals. Our activities are guided by the principles of Infant Mental Health and always have a developmental outcome in mind.
Forget the equipment and the toys though, the most important person in the equation is YOU!
Our babies thrive from positive interactions with their caregivers. The more responsive you can be, the more secure your child feels and more confident to learn, play and explore.
So whether it’s Mum, Dad, Aunty, Nanny, or Grandparent bringing baby to class, we welcome you as the best tool for your child’s development that there is. Our classes are designed to give you the space, time and ideas to bond with your child and stimulate those neural networks.
We believe that together, we can build healthy brains.