+267 71205629 info@sensobaby.co.bw

Our Blog

Stories and insights that we hope will help you parent with ease.

Improving Your Child’s Wellbeing

Improving Your Child’s Wellbeing

As parents, we are all concerned with our children’s wellbeing. At SensoBaby, our motivation is your child’s wellbeing. ‘Wellbeing’ is a term that is used frequently: we all know it is important but what exactly does it mean? When we are considering the wellbeing of a...

Prenatal Yoga: 5 Health Benefits for Mums-To-Be

Yoga is known around the world for being a stress-reducing form of exercise. The various postures stretch and strengthen your body while the focus on breathing helps you relax. And if you’re an expecting mum, a prenatal yoga practice will not only contribute to a...

Independence Week 2015 at SensoBaby

Independence Week 2015 at SensoBaby

It's Independence Week at SensoBaby! We will be open as usual on Monday and Tuesday, closed on Wednesday and Thursday, and hosting a special all-ages play day on Friday. The holiday schedule of classes is: Monday 10:30-11:15 am - YogaBaby for SensoBabas under a year...

Connecting With Baby

Connecting With Baby

One of our goals with SensoBaby is to nurture the feeling of ‘connectedness’ between parent and child; our classes aim to give you focused one-on-one time with Baby where your phone is off (except to capture all those exciting moments), your errands will be done later...

Sensing the World Through Baby Yoga

Sensing the World Through Baby Yoga

Experts around the world agree that babies need sensory stimulation for healthy growth. But there is an ever-growing controversy about what the sources of stimulation should be and how much. For example, how much ‘screen time’ should babies and children receive, if...

Storytelling with Infants and Children

Storytelling with Infants and Children

Research proves that infants and babies who participate in storytelling or are read to are more likely to develop a deeper understanding of language, speech, literacy as well as social and emotional skills. This is why one of the focuses of our SensoBaba and...

Talking Hands With Baby Sign

Talking Hands With Baby Sign

Babies can inspire us to love, laugh, be creative, see the world with wonder and enjoy their journey through development. However, raising a child is not without its challenges and frustration is a common feeling experienced by many parents and carers. One of the most...

Getting Grubby – Embracing Messy Play With Your Kids

Getting Grubby – Embracing Messy Play With Your Kids

The word ‘messy’ is often associated with babies and toddlers; no other age group is quite as skilled in the art of creating a mess! As adults we are programmed to avoid mess, to clean it up, to see it as something negative; but what if messy play is actually one of...

SensoBaby – The Founding

SensoBaby – The Founding

SensoBaby has been brewing in the REWA creative pot for over two years and has finally come together with a team of wonderfully passionate mothers and professionals, Caroline Gartland, Fehmida Adam Arbi, Jennifer Fuller and Priyanka Handa Ram. We are Gaborone’s first...